
iMovo Wins ‘Best Use of the Cloud’ Award at MCA eBiz Awards

iMovo, a leader in the fields of Business Intelligence (BI), Customer Experience Management (CEM) and social media analytics, won the ‘Best Use of the Cloud’ award at the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) eBusiness awards held on 1st December 2014.

eBiz Awards

The award was conferred for the cloud solution that iMovo developed for eCabs, Malta’s leading cab company. The cloud solution combines a powerful Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management (CRM) engine with mapping, geo-location, telephony, web and mobile technology, making it one of the most innovative platforms available supporting a fully cloud-based multi-channel strategy.

“This is great recognition of transformative technology solution we developed for eCabs. Our technology combined with eCabs’ vision saw the company move rapidly from a startup to a market leader in just a couple of years,” commented Pierre Mallia, iMovo Managing Director. “The system was all built locally by the iMovo team to the specifications and needs of eCabs, whilst throwing in new unorthodox ideas to help address the environment within which such a system has to work: 24/7, high throughput and extreme pressure on staff to deliver a service especially on weekends. Having a fully cloud-based solution has also meant that the solution is accessible from anywhere and that eCabs has optimised infrastructure internally.”

iMovo’s cloud solution has enabled eCabs to handle high volumes of bookings rapidly and to become established in a short period of time for its excellent customer service. According to Matthew Bezzina, Director at eCabs, “Our partnership with iMovo has enabled us to implement new business models in an industry which was stale and unchanged for the best part of 40 years. The previous perception of the taxi service in Malta was that it was inefficient, costly and customer service was practically non-existent. We are proud to say that iMovo’s cloud-based solution enabled us to turn an industry on its head, by enabling total customer focus and operational efficiency.”

The MCA eBusiness awards are singled out as a unique annual event of its kind in Malta because it is the only award that acknowledges the use of technology in the entrepreneurial efforts of individuals and organisations.

A well-established industry forum, these awards bring together talented ICT professionals to recognise innovative and unique business initiatives that blend web-based technologies with entrepreneurial flair. In particular, these awards seek to promote adoption and innovation in ICT applications in the ever growing eBusiness domain and create awareness about the potential of web-based technologies to spur economic growth and social development.

iMovo was also a finalist in the ‘Best Use of Social Media’ category for its development of Socionomix – a social media analytics and monitoring tool that it recently launched on the market.

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