
Data Science: Building Better Businesses

Data Science is a new field that has emerged in the last decade. Data Scientists use data to drive decisions and create better businesses. Data scientists are still relatively new, but they have already become an integral part of many companies’ operations – transforming how we do business today and paving the way for even […]

Top 5 digital transformation trends for success in 2021 and beyond

Technology is rapidly changing and transforming the way we live and work today. To thrive in today’s work environment, companies and businesses should consider replacing traditional technology with more robust digital tools to help maintain efficiency and productivity. Moreover, this would help them stay ahead of the competition and relevant to existing customers while gaining […]

Benefits of CRM in 2021

Why should your company use a CRM (customer relationship management) system in 2021? If you are wondering, you are in the right place. From improving customer relationships and collaboration between all your teams, CRM provides many benefits that you can take advantage of.

Accelerating Business Transformation through RPA

We’ve been hearing a lot about RPA in recent times. However, just like many buzzwords, we do not always know what it means or what it incorporates. Simply put, RPA or Robotic Process Automation is the use of a robot or machine to perform actions as humans would without human intervention. Once a robot is programmed to do a task, it can do it repetitively without stopping and without error.

Jackpot! Lessons for the iGaming Industry

It is increasingly difficult for companies to stand out. In the iGaming world where the next gaming option is just a click or a download away, exceptional customer service is key in retaining customers and ensuring their loyalty.

Artificial Intelligence – From Server to Table

Artificial Intelligence – From Server to Table

AI can customize the experience for every customer and give the customers the assistance they need and deserve. Thanks to AI, you not only have a powerful customer and employee support set of solutions in your hands but an added marketing tool as well. Companies today need to take the next step and implement AI tools in their customer support strategy.

Your Customers Expect Digital Transformation

The need to undertake digital transformation has pushed forth the agendas for companies looking to change their business models and become more competitive. The key to success is continuing to innovate and come up with new digital solutions. Implementing the right approach will make businesses stronger and more customer-centric than before.

How businesses can leverage technology to recover after COVID-19

When considering implementing RPA, one should not just look at the short-term financial gains, particularly if those are simply a result of labour savings. That approach does not do justice to the power of the software, because there are multiple business benefits.

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