
iMovo Announces Tableau Partnership

iMovo, the leading Business Intelligence (BI) and Customer Experience Management (CEM) company, has just announced a new partnership with Tableau Software, a leading global business intelligence and analytics software vendor.

iMovo Develops New Mobile App for eCabs

eCabs, Malta’s leading taxi company is renowned for its excellent customer service. They have taken their customer experience a step further with the release of their new mobile application, which was developed by iMovo and is now available for download on the iTunes and Google Play stores.

iMovo Welcomes Brian Scicluna

iMovo is pleased to welcome Brian Scicluna in the role of Business Intelligence (BI) Developer. Having completed his education at MCAST ICT Institute, Brian started his career in 2006 working as a software engineer in an insurance company within an in-house software development team.

iMovo Participates in MITA Workshop

iMovo has recently participated in the first “Tech Enabled Careers for Girls” workshop, organised by MITA. The aim of this event was to give young female students the opportunity to meet and connect with successful female professionals who would inspire them and serve as role models.

iMovo welcomes Neil Sammut

We are pleased to welcome Neil Sammut in the role of Business Intelligence (BI) Developer. Neil is currently reading for a Master’s degree in Business Intelligence at the University of Dundee, and has been working as a full-time software developer for the past 3 years.

iMovo welcomes Christa Agius

iMovo is pleased to welcome Christa Agius in the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Developer. Christa is a fresh graduate from the University of Malta, with a BSc (Hons) Information Communication Technology, specializing in Computer Information Systems (CIS). Christa is very happy to have the opportunity to kick-start her career as part of the […]

Feature sneak preview: The new ClickDimensions drag and drop email editor

ClickDimensions releases new versions of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Marketing Automation solution every three months on January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15. For the upcoming October release ClickDimensions will be delivering a new drag and drop email creation experience. The ClickDimensions drag and drop editor will make the task of creating your email newsletters easier than ever. It even has a fancy built-in image editor that lets you make all sorts of interesting changes to graphics. You can see more about the image editor here. Now let’s take a look at the new editor…

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