
Why introducing a self-service portal for your employees is a good idea 

Managing a workforce can definitely be rewarding. However, this “rewarding experience” doesn’t come easy. After all, you are in charge of handling one of the organisation’s most complex resources – the workforce.  Managing people is one of the toughest jobs out there. You have to make sure employees get the job done, follow the rules, stay productive, and also find satisfaction in what they do. One way managers can achieve these seemings impossible goals is by introducing an Employee Self Service Portal (ESS).

An introduction 

Organisations across the globe are slowly realising the advantages employee self-service portals can provide. These portals provide employees with immediate access to a range of tools and information. To put it simply, they let employees manage themselves while managers pay attention to more important things. This way, the work gets divided, allowing managers to attend to only what’s high up on the priority list.  

Here’s how ESS portals can make your workforce more efficient and productive.  

Eliminate unnecessary processing 

ESS portals offer streamlined online work processes. This helps get rid of unnecessary processing since the work is done automatically by the portal. Additionally, the portal can route processes via the appropriate manager or team.  More importantly, these portals help reduce human error and allow managers to get on with high priority tasks.  

Then, there is also the added benefit of automation, which leads to cost avoidance. Once the number of employees receiving satisfactory service or completing tasks independently goes up, it will reflect in the overall headcount eventually.  

Swap shifts easily 

Shift swapping is one thing that stresses out workforce managers the most. However, ESS can make things more comfortable in this area as well. ESS portals allow employees to swap unwanted shifts to a “swap board,” which are then picked up by their colleagues.  

To put it simply, it’s the employees who do all the hard work. The workforce manager only needs to approve the swap, which can be done with the click of a button. Furthermore, managers have overtime alerts to notify them of issues with the swap. Then, automated job roles ensure that only the right employee takes the shift.  

These are just a couple of the benefits that ESS portals provide. To make the most of such tools, it is best to invest in a Workforce Management (WFM) Solution. A workforce management system is not just another program to install on your computer – it is a practice that encompasses the proper employment of HR practices and processes, from payroll to the deploying of one’s workforce in an optimum way, taking into consideration rare skills and technical knowledge (e.g. technical knowledge of machinery, technology and even languages). WFM solutions integrate ESS with a host of other tools to establish an efficient workforce.  

Fortunately, most modern Workforce Management solutions offer these tools, including Planday the most powerful online employee scheduling software available.  Whether you have 30 workers or 300, with Planday, you can easily create and share a schedule, communicate with employees, and handle your HR processes. At iMovo we offer consultancy and implementation services for Planday – the leading workforce management solution. If you are running a shift-based business, contact us today to learn how we can help you manage your workforce with Planday!  

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