Social CRM is the next big thing
The value of social CRM is to get people interacting and working for the brand, highlighting the growing number of traditional websites and advertisements that combine a push towards a Facebook or Twitter page where interested persons can “find out more”.
Customer Relationship Management
Every business organisation today operates within highly competitive and dynamic markets; changing customer needs and demands require a new and innovative approach through which to manage the business successfully. Those organisations that opt to cling to the habitual and sometimes out-dated approach to business operations, adhering to the philosophy of “business as usual,” face an inevitable struggle to merely survive.
Age of the Ubiquity of ICT
iMovo Solutions Advisor Hadrian Sammut published another in a series of articles which are appear in the Times of Malta’s iTech supplement , edited by leading ICT journalist Martin Debattista.
BI Analytic Tools Help Business Organisations
Business organisations have been collecting customer data since time immemorial; whether on clay tablets, papyrus and subsequently paper. With the advent of computerisation most business organisations found themselves maintaining electronic systems designed and built to store and accumulate ever-growing amounts of raw customer data. Due to the way computer applications were then designed, it was not always easy to aggregate different systems, and the data they respectively stored, in an attempt to construct a single, unified, view of the customer.