
How your Company can Turn Leads into Customers

As mere humans, we feel like the world revolves around us. We are the “stars” in our show. As customers, we don’t feel much different – we have come to expect personalised and individual experiences. Business owners who are constantly striving to create a long-lasting relationship with their customers should certainly keep this in mind.

Extending Zendesk’s Functionality

Over 450,000 companies use Zendesk as their support platform. These companies have support teams of all sizes, ranging from 2 to over 100 customer support agents and come from various industries including telecommunications, retail and healthcare.
The reason that Zendesk is used by organisations of such varying sizes and requirements, is that despite its simple interface, it is extremely customisable.

Sales Through Service: Four Simple Customer Service Tips To Increase Sales

Good customer service is fundamental; especially today in an ever-changing business environment where alternatives are easily found and there are little to no changeover costs. This should encourage you to ask yourself if you are giving the best customer support to your customers. If you are not sure you do, here are some good reasons why you should invest more in customer service.

The Power of Great Customer Service

“It costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.” This statistic, as reported by Bain and Company, is one of the most popularly quoted statistics related to the importance of customer retention.

Giving Your Online Reputation a Boost by Managing Social Media More Efficiently

Social media is not only a great marketing channel, but it has also become a popular platform for customers to publicly share their comments, questions and experiences. Due to the rapid growth of social media, customer comments have a very powerful effect on potential customers, and can be very harmful to a company’s reputation. Organisations who give their customers the opportunity to share their comments publicly, need to regularly monitor their social media profiles as response time is critical.

How to Use Customer Data to Provide a Better Customer Experience

It is constantly being emphasised that customer experience is the key to high customer satisfaction. Providing customers with reliable and timely customer service encourages repeat business, therefore contributing to the creation of a loyal customer base.

iMovo Develops New Mobile App for eCabs

eCabs, Malta’s leading taxi company is renowned for its excellent customer service. They have taken their customer experience a step further with the release of their new mobile application, which was developed by iMovo and is now available for download on the iTunes and Google Play stores.

How to turn Customer Data into Customer Insight

Access to the right customer insight at the right time, is crucial for business success. Many businesses have demonstrated that by utilising their customer data in an effective manner they can serve their customers better while improving their operations to optimise customer satisfaction.

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