
The benefits of building a Cloud-based Customer Data Warehouse Solution

Talend Integration Cloud is a product within the Integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) space that makes it even easier for customers to build and deploy integration patterns in the Cloud. Having a simple, yet complete, Cloud-based Customer Data Warehouse (CDW) is key to any organization and the ability to manage, integrate and understand the collected Data is of paramount importance.

Get on board with Tableau 10.5

One of the world’s most powerful BI Visual Analytics tool has been updated once again, and this time it isn’t holding back with powerful new features across all their platforms, it once again will remind you why you chose Tableau in the first place.

Six basic benefits of using Business Intelligence tools

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technological concept that involves leveraging an organization’s strategies and tactical information to analyze data and provide employees and clients with the necessary capabilities to achieve intended outcomes. However, for this to happen, organizations need effective business intelligence tools. Read more for reasons organizations should invest in such tools.

Does AI have a place in the creative world?

AI is poised to change the way things typically run. This includes everything from business to the daily chores you do at home.
However, there is a question that pops up in everybody’s mind, can AI be creative? After all, AI is a field of robotics that deals with advanced analytics and creatives think its quite a stretch to expect creativity from a machine.

Establishing a Business Intelligence Strategy: What to Do

We live in a time where terms like “business intelligence” and “big data” are pretty much running the show. The reason for this is quite simple. Businesses have reached a point where they cannot forge ahead without any real insight into the data they collect. 
In order to ensure that the adoption pays off, businesses need to have a plan or strategy in place. So, if you’re a business that’s looking to adopt a business intelligence solution or even trying to migrate to a new one, here are a few tips that can help smooth out the process and guarantee positive results.

New and updated: Tableau 10.4

Tableau 10.4 is here! Save time and reduce mistakes by using the best data for your analysis.

From discussions with visual snapshots to data source recommendations, Tableau 10.4 helps you speed up your journey to data discovery.

Five ways in which big data analytics is changing the current business environment

Today, the term ‘big-data’ has become widely popular. It is essentially a collection of large volumes of complex data that cannot be processed using the traditional approach. This is where businesses started using big-data analytics which uses modern computational methods for fast and efficient data processing. Big-data analytics are changing businesses in a big way. Take a look at how it is revolutionizing the current business trends.

The relevance of Business Intelligence for Finance

A lot of people wonder why most Business Intelligence (BI) departments fall under the Finance and not Information Technology (IT) department. There was a time when I wondered too, especially when I was taught so during my studies.

Let’s start and try to explain this by looking at meetings. Don’t you get excited when you hear that you have a day full of meetings? Everyone would be eager for the moment when figures start appearing on presentations and not matching with each other’s reports. That is the ideal time to start playing Report Dungeons.

AI Myths to Ignore

The advent of AI has created quite a stir for years. Though generally beneficial, we must admit that there’s still a lot more that we don’t know about AI. It’s this fact, the knowledge of there being a lot that is still unknown to us, that causes us to be a little skeptical about the whole thing; maybe even fearful. This short blog post, lists a few AI myths that you would do well to ignore.

The strategic advantages of business analytics

In the world of web 2.0 and industry 4.0, organizations that are flexible when it comes to  adopting new technologies and changing their business model are better equipped to grow sustainably than their rigid counterparts. Business analytics is one such source of strategic value; converting data into actionable insights and profitable actions.

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