The benefits of CRM implementation in the retail industry

Customer satisfaction is a key metric for retail businesses. This is because customer satisfaction drives repeat purchases, which often leads to higher revenue over time. A CRM system can help improve the customer experience and drive more positive reviews from your customers. It also helps you track the progress of each individual transaction so that you know what works best for your business.
Of Carts, Horses and Evangelists

The COVID-19 pandemic has induced a marked and necessary drive towards digital transformation. Such transformation is promoted as necessary to address the profound changes in consumer behaviour, the two most marked being a significant and sudden increase in online shopping and the relatively faster adoption of digital services.
Using CRM to build better relationships with customers

Getting new customers is challenging for all businesses. However, it is even tougher to retain these customers and build a strong relationship with them. Businesses invest in various marketing strategies and customer service initiatives to grow and retain their customer base. The way a business manages its customer database determines its growth and success.
Is it possible to achieve all the three fundamental criteria in a project: Speed, Cost, Quality?

Every project has three key criteria: speed, cost, and quality. A project can only ever meet two and eliminate the third, therefore a project can be quick and it can be cheap, but the quality can be lacking. It can be of the best quality and done quickly, but then it would not be cheap.
Implementing a successful Digital Transformation Strategy Playbook

With technology disruptions becoming more rampant than ever, digital transformation is changing the way companies operate. Whether it is better data collection or improved customer experience, businesses have realised the importance and benefits of digital transformation. Growth opportunities and competitive pressure are some crucial drivers of digital transformation. Data breach scandals making the headlines regularly and new regulations such as the GDPR are also providing the necessary impetus for businesses to digitally transform.
How Investing in Customer Experience Can Help You Deliver Impactful Customer Service?

Experience is everything. When you give your customers a great experience, it makes them feel appreciated. It increases brand loyalty and better word of mouth. Customers are also likely to buy more with a positive customer experience.
2022 and Looking Ahead

I must start with a heartfelt thank you to our brilliant customers for their support in this most unprecedented of years in the lifespan of our company. A special thanks to our long standing (dare I say long suffering!) customers with whom we have jointly effected so much positive change in our collective corner of the world.
Digital Transformation wrapped: The most popular articles of 2022
Throughout the year, we have shared our knowledge and experience in digital transformation. We firmly believe that tackling this topic will boost your confidence as you face a new year and new challenges, turning adversity into opportunity. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of our most popular articles of 2022, covering important topics, and giving you guidance for your plans in 2023.
How the evolution of Customer Experience optimised businesses

To know the word customer experience optimisation, we should initially explain what client experience is. To place it easily, Customer Experience is the amount of all the knowledge from start to finish that a customer had of a label on their journey of buying any items or usefulness. This term doesn’t allude to the customer’s […]
How to know it’s time to ditch spreadsheets and switch to a CRM Solution?

If your small business handles limited data, spreadsheets may be enough for data management. However, have you thought about what will happen when your business’ data increases and you hire more people to manage it? In such a scenario, using spreadsheets for managing data can result in confusion and chaos. This is where a customer […]