
Artificial Intelligence can be a leap forward to organisations

All big businesses are shifting their focus to Artificial Intelligence (AI) now more than ever. For the people in decision-making capacities in a company, it is important first to know whether AI is their need of the hour. Almost every leap in technology these days is classified as AI. But not all technology is AI, and not all organizations are in need of implementing AI. An organization may be efficiently run by concentrating on automation while another organization may be benefiting from machine learning.

The need for Competitive Intelligence 

Competitive intelligence is an integral part of a company’s decision-making process. It is the act of collecting and analysing information about competitors and the marketplace with the intention of forming a business strategy. Competitive intelligence is more than simply analysing the competitor. It involves learning about the company’s external environment. It embraces the entire environment that involves competitors, distributors, customers, technologies, and macroeconomic data. 

Follow these CRM practices for better business

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps manage customer data. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media and facilitates team communication. However, for a CRM to be successful you need to perform regular maintenance and undertake certain repetitive tasks. In a business, one of the many things you’ll need to repeat time after time is customer segmentation and documentation, especially if you rely on a CRM system.

Artificial Intelligence is All Around Us

Studies show that the AI technology market will have a market share upwards of $60 billion by 2025 and global GDP could increase by $15.7 trillion by 2030, because of advancements in AI. But if you think that the age of AI is yet to come, think again. Artificial Intelligence is all around us. Already 61% of companies globally have adopted AI and this is changing the way business is done and how lives are led.

The Co-worker of Tomorrow – Why Customer Service Agents need AI and why it needs them

The classic case against automation is that it will replace our jobs, and this worry is no stranger to the realm of customer support. In a world where consumer expectation (especially amongst millennials) for quality customer service is rising at an exponential rate – businesses are striving to augment their customer experience through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What to watch out for before running a Multilingual Help Desk

You are ready: you have all the content ready in your language, you learnt how to create dynamic content* in Zendesk, and you are looking forward to using your first placeholder – regardless of the language your customers speak.  But before you dive in, let’s make sure you don’t make any of these common mistakes.

Benefits of implementing a custom CRM software in 2019 

Customers are one of the most important stakeholders for any business. Organisations across the world have started realising this fact, and are opting for CRM software. Equipped with a number of features, CRM solutions help businesses manage the relationship with customers throughout the different stages of the customer lifecycle.

Emoji & Machine Learning – Making ChatBots more human 

Communication nowadays is an essential part of our daily lives, be it for personal or professional purposes. It has never been easier to get a message across to someone in mere seconds, especially with the advent of smartphones in the new millennium’s early years. 

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