International Women’s Day – Women in Tech at iMovo

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. Here at iMovo, I am part of the tech team where I have been for almost two years. I have only been in the tech industry for a short time. I graduated a few years […]

Virtual Sanity

 “Work would be great, if it wasn’t for clients” is a cliched quip, often put forward to justify stress within the workplace.  The notion of occupational stress has been omnipresent across the last hundred years or more. Daniel Susskind, in his book ‘A World Without Work,’ describes how ‘our more distant ancestors simply hunted and […]

It’s Valentine’s Day, does your customer love you?

We’ve all been there, you’re shopping online for a thoughtful gift to your significant other, sometimes at the last minute, which by the way, I’m not condoning. The whole experience can be a bit stressful, especially if you have questions about the engraving on that watch, how much noise that mechanical keyboard makes, or if […]

Using CRM analytics to improve your business competitive advantage

Insights into customer data can give companies much-needed clarity about their sales performance. Not only sales but also marketing, product development and customer service rely on customer data. And there’s no better place to look for customer data than your CRM platform. The CRM software you use is chock-full of customer data. From contact information […]

The best practices for an effective Customer Experience in 2022

Organizations are forced to adjust their business strategies and adapt to the changing market realities, the outcome of the digital revolution. This transformation is being triggered by the customers, not driven by corporations.  Modern consumers’ demand includes having material related to what they engage in, available on platforms they use, in a style they can relate to and when […]

Digital Transformation Wrapped – the most visited articles in 2021

In our lives and businesses, the end of the year sign signifies as time to reflect, and see what has been done, how we performed and adjust what we need to for the new year. Digital transformation is no exception, our team of experts have been sharing with you several articles on our four main domains: CRM, CX, Data Science […]

Blocking out the noise – When should we use outliers in our analysis?

In a previous article, we investigated possible ways to spot anomalies in your data. We shall now follow that up with a discussion about when it makes sense to make use of these data points in your analysis – and when not to do so – as well as looking at some other methods that […]