
Hail to our young heroes

The current pandemic has affected all of us differently. This article looks into how the different generations handled the situation when it comes to work.

10 Benefits of Cloud Computing

One of the main benefits of cloud computing is that it enables remote work, which, recently has proved to be a necessity. However there are 9 more important benefits of cloud computing.

COVID-19 Data Storytelling

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is dominating all the news right now, and with over 400,000 people infected worldwide, it is understandable why this has been the case. We have seen nations deal with these outbreaks in many varying ways, although many have followed similar paths: first remaining calm, not believing it is much of a threat, before a sudden change of script with the themes of isolation, social distancing, and lockdowns.

The Future of Data Warehousing

Data warehouses often get compared to databases and data lakes. However, there is a difference between the three media. Unlike data warehouses, data lakes store raw and unstructured data in its original format. In this article, we distinguish between databases and data warehouses.

Chatbot benefits your business cannot miss

Over the years chatbots have grown and improved businesses. They provide proactive support and supercharge customer service experience. The time has come to incorporate them into your business.

How to Make Effective Use of Chatbots For Your Business In 2020

Chatbots are increasingly being used by businesses to provide better customer service and are an important aspect of customer relationship management. By providing top-notch customer support and serving as a helpdesk for prospective customers, they take your business to the next level in the face of existing competition. Here’s how you can propel your business forward in 2020 by making effective use of Chatbots.

3 AI Trends To Watch for In 2020

Artificial intelligence holds immense promise in almost every major field, including healthcare, manufacturing, education, and finance. It is already helping us in every area of our lives and i is still evolving. To get your business AI-ready, you need to keep an eye on the latest trends. With that thought in mind, here are a few AI trends to watch for in 2020.

Signs that it’s time to get a CRM Software for your business in 2020

CRM or customer relationship management aims to make customers happy because, after all, happy customers translate into better business. Satisfied customers are willing to buy more products and services of the company and develop brand loyalty. A personalised approach is crucial to retain happy customers, and with the scale at which businesses operate, this can be difficult.

How can companies reduce human-robot conflict in an automated workplace?

Already today, a large part of the world’s jobs are partially automated. The time isn’t far when robots and humans will need to work hand-in-hand. While this development will certainly bring in many benefits, there is the most obvious problem of human-robot conflict that will afflict companies.

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